Sunday, February 8, 2009


Can you be truly humble and have any success in art? I doubt it. I have believed my whole life that humility is the road to a fulfilled life, but I have since found that it is not the road to success. So success must not be fulfilling, right? What is success? Success in your eyes or someone else's?

Does songwriting mean that you must be ego centric? In a sense I think it does. You must be self curious, but not self absorbed. I want to know myself better. I want to truly be who I am meant to be. But can I search for myself and separate that from searching for success? Is it all vain glory?

If I am humble I don't get myself shows. If I am humble no one listens. If I am proud I am 'too sure' and selfish. If I were a man my shyness would be sexy and my toughness respected. As it is I am left here questioning why I do anything.

I am a willow tree bending to the ground.
The ground crumbles.
My roots groan with desire.
First they go, then the branches and leaves,
followed by a silent tumble of ash.
If only the wind would blow
and set me free.

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